Our Commitment

Creating a more responsible company through the integration of ESG criteria


The acronym ESG refers to the criteria for assessing the sustainability and ethical impact of a company, encompassing its environmental management, social responsibility and corporate governance practices.





Positive impact on sustainable development

Leaders in sustainability and energy efficiency

We have implemented the first isolatable Microgrid in Spain at our facilities. This innovative system has an intelligent control system that optimizes consumption and reduces the emissions generated, achieving a reduction in annual energy consumption from the grid of more than 30%. With 283 solar panels of 450 watt peak installed on the roof of our factory, our Microgrid has a total installed capacity of 127 kilowatts of photovoltaic solar energy.

Committed to change

We have implemented a Management System in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 standard. Our constant search for improvement has led us to establish periodic environmental objectives that drive the creation of new procedures and the redesign of processes and facilities. In addition, we have environmental indicators that monitor our performance, providing us with valuable information for decision-making and the establishment of new goals.

Winners of the "Schnieder Electric Sustainability Impact Awards".

In the “Impact to my Company” category. This award celebrates our innovative Microgrid, which has significantly contributed to the reduction of the grid’s energy consumption by 49%, avoiding the emission of 45.5 tons of CO2 per year.

We promote sustainable mobility

At Mtech Group, all our sites are equipped with electric car chargers. We actively promote the use of electric vehicles among our employees, with the aim of encouraging and educating about the use of clean energy. Together, we are building a more sustainable future.