According to experts, we are witnessing a fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0 characterized by the unstoppable phenomenon of digitalization applied in all sectors. The adaptation to this context implies a redefinition of the business model through the use of digital Technology such as cloud computing, cybersecurity, Big Data, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things.
This redesign process that affects all areas of an organization is known as Digital Transformation. In MTech Group we want to participate in this unprecedented opportunity that gives us digital transformation and therefore we have opted for the creation of an area transversal to the entire organization.
Its short-term objective is focused on the Group’s internal digitalization through the fine-tuning of the ERP, CRM and SRM in its Cloud version (*); the design, development and implementation of digital tools necessary for the proper functioning of the business; the optimization of operational processes and the management of Big Data and its Business Intelligence tool.
In the medium term, its objective will focus on opening up borders and committing to digitalization at a global level, where other elements of the Ecosystem of which MTech Group is a part will be involved, which will entail major changes at all levels.
(*) ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning
CRM: Customer Relationship Management
SRM: Supplier Relationship Management
By Melisa Molenat